What Is Custom Software?

Custom software is designed with a specific set of needs in mind and is specifically made for the use of certain individuals or organizations.

Organizations in all industries rely on software to make operating their businesses faster and easier. However, not all packaged software meets the unique needs of a business. Custom software is designed with a specific set of needs in mind and is specifically made for the use of certain individuals or organizations.

Unlike off-the-shelf software that is created for the mass market, it is generally developed by a software development partner that builds a product from start to finish that is tailor-made for a particular business.

Benefits Of Acquiring Custom Software

Business software is divided into two main categories: off-the-shelf and custom. While traditional off-the-shelf software offers the same platform and features for everyone, it is fully modified to meet the unique needs and requirements of the specific buyer. Every organization is different and there is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to business software. With custom software solutions, businesses can gain access to quality software that implements seamlessly into existing infrastructure.

Some of the top benefits of acquiring custom software include:

Improves Internal Efficiency

Meeting all of the needs of an organization with just one packaged software platform can be very challenging, if not impossible. This forces many businesses to use multiple programs at once which can be costly, time-consuming, and interruptive. It boosts internal efficiency by allowing businesses to enjoy operating just one custom-made software program that accommodates users and can grow with the business. Unlike off-the-shelf software, it can even be adjusted over time to meet the changing needs of a business.


A person calculating cost to develop custom software for clients

The cost to develop custom software varies greatly depending on the required platform and applications required for your business. The initial cost to custom fit your business is an investment realized through the efficiency of time and resources.

It can be used for many years as it can be modified to grow with a company, avoid extra expenses to include monthly fees and licenses, and provides customer service assistance specific to your software.

Effective In The Long-Run

Although off- the- shelf software can be effective in the short-term, it can prove to be challenging to maintain. When packaged software is purchased, a business typically depends on the developer to provide support and maintenance which can result in additional fees, disruptions to business operations and time dedicated to non-personalized assistance. The software typically comes with a maintenance contract that ensures that any additional work required for the software is completed quickly and efficiently by a professional familiar with the platform.

Flexible As Needs Of The Company Grow

Off-the-shelf software is often static, unable to be modified to create a more personalized platform. While this software may meet the needs of the business now, that could change in the future when a company grows or modifies its business operations. Custom software is more flexible, allowing for alterations and accessibility to meet the changing needs of an organization. It can be designed to support both PC and mobile applications.

Easier Integrations

Integration across departments can be challenging when multiple software platforms are used to perform a variety of tasks. By implementing one custom software program, a single platform can be integrated and used across all departments. This ensures all employees remain up-to-date with changes as they occur through instant data exchange. Software integration also promotes efficient collaboration between employees.

Ease Of Use

Three IT professionals during a custom software development project briefing

Implementing and providing training with new software can be challenging, especially when it is a packaged software from a company that offers minimal support. It can be designed to reflect a business’s current platform which can heavily reduce the amount of time it takes employees to adjust to the new software.

Customer support from a custom software provider also ensures any questions are quickly addressed minimizing downtime.

Who Should Acquire Custom Software Services?

Businesses with outdated software, un-performing programs, or frustrations with inadequate customer service assistance will find resolve for those issues with the software. Any business ready to streamline their operations and increase productivity will benefit from switching to custom software. It is available at a range of price points and seamlessly integrated into most existing infrastructures.

Speak To The Experienced Software Development Company

Acquiring custom software services unlocks a wealth of benefits for businesses of all sizes. The right software platform provides a competitive edge and contributes to an organization’s long-term growth and success. For more information about custom software and its benefits, or to acquire custom software services for a business, contact the custom software professionals at Infosoft today by calling 301.756.5527 or by scheduling a consultation online.