What Is Software Testing?

Having software that runs quickly and efficiently is a top priority for many businesses. Well-designed software can be used for a wide range of business functions and has been shown to increase productivity and reduce errors. To help ensure that software meets the needs and expectations of its users, it is important for software developers to perform comprehensive testing. This is used to verify and validate that a software application is free of bugs and meets the technical requirements based on the design.

How Does Software Testing Work?

The primary goal of testing is to find potential faults in the existing or newly developed software. Testing your software can also be useful for improving the accuracy and efficiency of software to meet functionality and performance requirements. Testing can be divided into two main steps. First, verification refers to a set of tasks that help ensure that software is able to implement a specific function. Next, validation refers to a separate set of tasks that help ensure that software is traceable to consumer needs.

Testing can also be narrowed down into two main types. These include manual testing and automation testing. As the name suggests, manual testing occurs when the software is tested manually, meaning without the use of any automated script or tool. During a manual test, the tester assumes the role of the end-user and tests the software to look for unexpected bugs. Automation testing occurs when the software is tested using another piece of software. Most often, automation testing is used to perform a secondary test once the software has first been tested manually to ensure that no defects have been missed.

What are the Steps Involved in Software Testing?

The software testing life cycle (STLC) involves a series of steps that are completed in sequence to ensure a satisfactory outcome. These steps include:

  • Requirement Analysis: This first step occurs when the quality assurance team determines what needs to be tested. The team may choose functional or non-functional testing. Functional testing includes a test to evaluate how the software is functioning, while non-functional testing looks at behind-the-scenes features like security and performance.
  • Test Planning: The next step involves planning how the test will be performed. The software team will decide what resources will be needed, the number of hours it will take, the expenses involved, and the deadline in which results should be delivered.
  • Test Case Development: During this phase, a step-by-step procedure is created to determine how the test should be executed, the expected results from the test, the actual results from the test, and whether the test has passed or failed.
  • Test Environment Setup: Before starting the test, the testing environment must be properly set up. This includes determining information such as which version of the software will be tested, what browsers will be tested, and what operations system will be tested.
  • Test Execution and Closing: Once the previous preparation stages have been completed, the test can be accurately executed. If the test fails, then changes must be made to the software and the testing process will need to be repeated. If the software passes, then the test cycle is closed.

The Importance of Software Testing

Testing is a critical part of the software creation process that should never be overlooked. Through extensive testing, you can gain a wide range of benefits that help ensure a successful end result. What many people do not realize is that testing can actually save money. By incorporating testing into your project, you can catch bugs and defects early which can reduce the need for more complex fixes later in the testing process. Testing can also improve the security of your software. When software is tested thoroughly, testers are more likely to discover security gaps that hackers could take advantage of to steal sensitive information.

With testing, software development teams can improve the overall quality of their products. It is important to deliver value when creating any type of software. When you fail to put your software through extensive testing, you may miss out on opportunities to improve the quality which can affect the end-users. Finally, testing is important due to customer satisfaction. When software and applications are tested before reaching the hands of customers, you can help ensure that your consumers will have the best user experience possible. This can result in users telling other people about your quality product.

Speak with Infosoft for More Information

Software bugs are not only expensive to fix, but can be dangerous. When software does not meet quality assurance, it leaves businesses vulnerable to problems such as data loss or theft. Fortunately, testing can help reduce these risks. For more information about software testing, reach out to the experts at Infosoft.